Polarkon at Construmat Barcelona
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Polarkon is delighted to attend CONSTRUMAT BARCELONA! The first CONSTRUMAT exhibition fair of 2023 will be held at Gran Via Venue in Barcelona, Spain, from the 23rd to the 25th of May. CONSTRUMAT showcases the industry’s most unique companies, latest materials, systems, and techniques from all over Europe and the world. We would be honored
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Polarkon at Cologne Airport
Wednesday, 05 April 2023
Non-stop work continues at CGN! Since the beginning of 2021, Polarkon has been continuously supplying, designing, fabricating and installing casterdeck systems to different locations of the logistics facility at Cologne Airport (CGN), which have various components such as steel legs, gratings, wheels, and complementary accessories. As of April 2023, the installed casterdeck systems total up to
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Polarkon At the Langenhagen Facility
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Getting ready for Phase II of the Langenhagen Project! Polarkon has been the lead supplier and engineering company of the steel platforms of United Parcel Service (UPS)’s Langenhagen Logistics Facility and will continue to be so. Polarkon has successfully completed the design, fabrication, and erection of the main steel structures of conveyor systems, stairs, steps,
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Al Shaheed Park III Project in Kuwait
Friday, 25 November 2022
We have successfully completed our scope in Al Shaheed Park III! Al Shaheed Park, located on the periphery of Kuwait city, narrates the story of a land, its history, and culture. The park consists of 200,000 m2 of greenery, featuring beautiful botanical gardens, two museums – Thekra & the Habitat, a visitor center, a lake,
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IGA Airport – The Road To Go Safely
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Within the scope of the Istanbul Airport Project, which is one of the leading projects of our country, the installation of Airport Boarding (Pier) Structures Steel Construction works started by POLARKON at the end of 2015 and was completed in early 2018. The total steel construction tonnage of the building is around 9,000 tons along
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19th Structural Steel Day Award Ceremony
Friday, 30 November 2018
Türk Yapısal Çelik Derneği 25 Ekim 2018 tarihinde 19. Yapısal Çelik Günü düzenledi.İstanbul Marriott Asia otelde yapılan törende gerçekleştirilen etkinlikler sonunda Steel PRO 2018 kollokyumu ve ödül töreni gerçekleştirdi. Ödül töreninde şirketimiz POLARKON METAL YAPILAR A.Ş.’ye Aşkaabat Havalimanı Terminal Binası projesi için Ulusal Çelik Ödülü 2018 plaketi verildi
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IGA Airport – Completed Projects
Saturday, 21 July 2018
IGA Airport Cargo Building, Warehouse Roofing And Facade Cadding Works The steel structure and space frame construction works which are carried out by Polarkon within the scope of Istanbul 3. Airport Pier Structures Projects; are on the completion phase. In the following period; roofing and facade covering works of the 4 cargo buildings, warehouse building
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Istanbul Grand Airport Plaquette of Appreciation
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Istanbul Grand Airport Plaquette of Appreciation Conventional steel and space frame roofing structures of İstanbul Grand Airport (IGA) pier buildings , which is 145.000 m2 , with digital modelling, structural design, fabrication and erection has been carried out by Polarkon. Polarkon proudly states that , the whole construction are now almost at completion stage and completion of 65.000 m2 area within 3 last
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METU – Department of Architecture Spring Seminars’17
Friday, 19 May 2017
METU – Department of Architecture Spring Seminars’17 Within the scope of Spring’17 Seminars of the Architecture Department of METU Faculty of Architecture, on 18 April 2017, Ali Faik Ulusoy, Mr. Cihat Uysal and Mr. Gürkan AKDOĞAN gave a seminar titled ‘Single Rise Free Surface Roof Constructions and Design Problems of Wide Surface Roofing’.
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2014 Structural Steel Association Award
Monday, 17 November 2014
2014 Structural Steel Association Award POLARKON was awarded the steel structure of 2014 award by the Turkish Structural Steel Association with its roof construction of the Terminal building of TAV Construction’s “İzmir Airport New Domestic Terminal Building” project. İzmir New Domestic Flights Terminal has a special importance as the biggest domestic flights Terminal in Turkey.
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