As the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues around the world, we would like to share guidance and steps POLARKON is taking to protect people.

The health and safety of all POLARKON employees, trade partners and workers continues to be our top priority. POLARKON is taking steps to keep people healthy and reduce the risk of contracting or spreading Coronavirus (COVID-19).

POLARKON is taking every step possible to minimize the risk of infection and spread of coronavirus in our office and job sites. We currently have no confirmed cases of anyone that has COVID-19 on any our projects or in any of our offices.

We will update this document in a timely manner should this (or any information contained herein) changes. POLARKON's primary concern is with the safety and wellness of everyone on our projects and in our community.

Personal Health And Safety

To reduce the chance of spreading infection avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

It is especially important to clean hands after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. We should also frequently clean “common” surfaces with alcohol based disinfectants.

Visitor Restrictions

If you had close contact with an individual who has a confirmed positive test result for COVID-19, you are not permitted on a POLARKON jobsite or office for 14 days from the date of contact. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early and stay away from others.

Meetings And Travel

POLARKON is limiting in-person meetings, using remote conferencing technology tools, practicing social distancing when meeting in person.

Identification & Containment

We are permitting flexible worksites, telecommuting, and flexible work hours to increase physical distance among employees who need to be on-site.

If an Employee/Worker is Sick or Shows Signs of Illness

If an employee calls in sick and indicates they have flu-like symptoms, they will be asked to stay home until they are symptom-free and/or see a doctor and get released. We will require positive confirmation that they are healthy before they can return to work.

If an employee states that they have COVID-19or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, we will require them to stay home, contact local health department, and they will not return to the work until they are released.

If We Have a Confirmed Case of COVID-19

The worker/employee will be removed from the job site and/or directed not to return to the project site until they are released from medical care. We would work with that employee and/or subcontractor to follow all appropriate and required procedures.

Notifications to all required stakeholder will follow needed meetings to manage the exposure and understand the risk to other project members.

We will conduct and investigate to understand the direct contact(s) the infected worker had with other workers and understand the areas that the worker performed work so we can determine potential contamination and apply proper disinfection.

If a Worker Tests Positive Who Has Worked on a Project Site

If an employee test positive for COVID 19, we will follow CDC and local health guidelines for proper notification and investigation. We will ensure the proper steps are taken with regard to isolation; the individual will not be able to return to work until he has been released from medical care.

In addition, we will investigate with the individual, coworkers, and employer to identify others who might have been in contact or exposed to in order to determine if additional individuals will need to be isolated and temporarily removed from the site.

There could be workers that maybe quarantined for 14 days due to the potential exposure and we will work with those individuals before they can return to the project site.

Disinfection & Recovery

We have implemented additional and more frequent cleaning and sanitation on all our projects to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

These include:

• Routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, including door handles, elevator buttons, inside construction car, equipment, and tool handles. These actions are being logged and tracked hourly.
• Increased cleaning for eating area, restrooms, and common areas.
• Increased cleaning of personnel hoists and inside construction elevators.
• Increased cleaning jobsite entrances (gates and doors).
• Increased routine cleaning of heavy equipment such as scissor lifts, ladders, forklift, etc.
• Placement of additional cleaning products available for all workers to spray and disinfectant for commonly used tools and equipment shared by workers.

Additional Information

As this is a dynamic situation, our guidance is likely to change and we encourage you to access the most up-to-date information from respected organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.